Week of June 22
Articles about gender-neutral parenting were featured this week. One article discussing gender-neutral parenting featured a couple in the Bronx who are raising their baby, “Grey”, to be gender neutral with gender-neutral pronouns. Another article discussed how raising a child to be gender neutral may come with difficulties and be harmful for the child psychologically. One article discussed why gender-neutral baby names are so popular in 2020 stating that most new parents want unique names for their kids and/or for them to “transcend gender-stereotypes”.
Gender-neutral language was also featured this week. Residents of Millis, Massachusetts voted to change their title “Board of Selectmen” from to gender-neutral “Select Board”. Meanwhile, controversy sparked this week over the use of the term “Filipinx”. Many were upset since the term Filipino is already gender-neutral and claimed the use of “Filipinx” is Westernized and has no tie to actual Filipino culture.
Several articles focused on making safe spaces for LBGTQ+ individuals by promoting gender-neutrality. In an article about life as a nonbinary individual, the author wrote about avoiding restrooms and remaining thirsty when out in public if gender-neutral restrooms were not available. Multiple articles discussing how to make trans and nonbinary individuals feel more safe at work suggested installing gender-neutral bathrooms. Another article stressed the importance of using gender-neutral language in the workplace.
Gender-neutral clothing and fashion was another topic discussed this week. One article highlighted a designer’s gender-neutral “boy bra”. However, some were critical of how the article of clothing claimed to be gender-neutral while specifying it as a “boy bra”. One article highlighted how gender-neutrality is being used to attract young consumers to different brands. An article about androgynous fashion and its history stated, “The gender-neutral movement isn’t to be commercialised for sales. For retailers that want to expand into this market, it needs to come from a place of authenticity, not aesthetics.” Meanwhile, Buzzfeed highlighted several queer owned businesses that provide gender-neutral clothing.
Gender-neutrality is also popular among businesses outside of the fashion industry. One article highlighted an esthetician’s experience with procedures and how they are becoming more gender neutral as men and women request similar beauty goals and treatments. Another article featured a gender-neutral salon, with the owner stating:
“We will never assume or ask someone to state their gender to charge them for a service. In our consultations, we try to speak in terms that are neutral—like hard and soft, versus masculine and feminine. We never want to limit someone’s hair expression because they aren’t comfortable associating themselves with a gender they may not conform to.”