Week of July 20
Multiple articles discussed creating gender-neutral spaces. Several articles highlighted a new bill passed by New York’s State Assembly to make all single occupancy restrooms in state owned buildings gender neutral. This means schools, restaurants, bars, retail stores, and factories must switch over to gender-neutral bathrooms if they have single occupancy restrooms. One article about promoting an LGBTQ+ work environment included installing gender-neutral bathrooms and using gender-neutral language. Another article mentioned a town in Iceland trying to install gender-neutral changing rooms for public swimming pools.
Gender-neutral policies and language were also discussed this week. Multiple articles mentioned that Pennsylvania is now offering a gender-neutral “X” option for nonbinary individuals on their state’s driver’s license. The FDA is working to make a gender-neutral patient category for Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies that is based on one’s reproductive capability rather than gender identity. Representatives in South Carolina are working to create a bill for “revenge porn” that will include harsher punishments and gender-neutral language. One article highlighted that the Midlothian School Board in Texas recently voted to change their dress code to be gender-neutral. Another article mentioned that the International Ski Federation will now use gender-neutral language in all of it’s documents.
The term “gender-neutral” is featured a lot by various brands. Companies have been marketing their products as gender-neutral to sell anything from facemasks, deodorant, makeup, and baby items. Although the company Bic has faced controversy for gendering their products and continues to sell gendered items, they have recently launched a gender-neutral razor. The managing director of “The Gin Hub” when talking about sales recently stated that, “What’s driven gin is the fact that it’s gender-neutral.”
Gender-neutral fashion was also mentioned this week. Multiple articles discussed Gucci’s new genderless fashion section called Gucci Mx, which will have gender-neutral models and sizing. However, one article pointed out that having “gender-neutral models” that are only thin and androgynous is harmful since fat, feminine, and masculine nonbinary individuals exist, yet are rarely ever represented in media. One article praised celebrities Justin and Hailey Bieber for their gender-neutral fashion choices.