Week of April 13

This week, many articles discussed how brands and workplaces are implementing more gender-neutral practices. One article highlighted the benefits of gender-neutral branding, such as widening the brand’s target audience and younger generations embracing genderless marketing. The State Department noticed their lack of gender diversity in higher ranks and launched a “Meritorious Service Increase pilot program”. This program hopes to make merit-based salary raises more gender neutral by making anonymous the nominations that the selection board receives. Another article discussed how artificial intelligence and automation technologies rarely have gender-neutral practices and often reproduce gender biases. The article stated that “with 78% of AI professionals being men, male experiences inform and dominate algorithm creation.”

Articles continue to discuss how the coronavirus pandemic is not gender-neutral. Several articles featured a quote from the deputy secretary-general of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in which she states: “The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is not gender neutral, as it affects men and women differently, therefore, we must not be gender blind in our responses to the pandemic, or else women will carry a disproportionately higher economic cost than men.”

Articles from India also discussed how the socio-economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic is disproportionately hurting women. Additionally, India reports that cases of domestic violence and sexual abuse have increased since the lockdown. Overall, most articles stress the importance of taking gender into consideration when solving these issues during this pandemic.  

There was also some discussion about language and pronouns this week. Argentina is currently pushing for more gender-neutral vocabulary in order to make language less male centered. Although there is some pushback from Spanish language experts, this movement has gained support from President Alberto Fernández. He recently used gender-neutral language to address the nation during this pandemic. Several articles in right-wing news outlets reported with alarm that the Canadian Armed Forces’ is now requiring official reports to only use “they/them” pronouns instead of gendered ones. 

Schools continue to push for more gender-neutral policies. Spaulding High School is in the works of changing their overnight field trip policies to be more gender neutral and accommodating to students of all gender identities. Students will no longer have to be separated by gender and will be able to pick whom they room with in order to make gender-nonconforming students feel more comfortable. St. Olaf College recently opened up two new gender-neutral bathrooms in the Buntrock Commons in order to promote gender inclusivity.