Gender-Neutral Parenting

Conversations around gender-neutral parenting continue to be popular. One article highlighted ways to create a gender-neutral nursery such as adding themes and avoiding gendered colors. Another source noted that Meghan Markle’s upcoming baby shower will be gender neutral, despite knowing the sex of the baby. Actress Christine Quinn mentioned that she wanted to raise their child in a gender neutral manner. She stated, “Obviously, when the little angel comes out we will know what he or she is and we’re sticking to a group of names that are pretty universal and really not putting too much emphasis on gender. I just think people put too much emphasis on male or female, and in the world these days there is so much more to that and more important things.” Another article laid out resources for parents and children to understand nonbinary identities, such as explaining gender-neutral pronouns.

gender-neutral parenting nursery

Meanwhile, Volvo recently launched a gender-neutral paid parental leave program. The head of corporate functions stated, “This is more than a new parental leave policy for our employees — it is the embodiment of our company culture and values. We want to lead change in this industry and set a new global people standard. By opting all our employees into paid parental leave we narrow the gender gap and get a more diverse workforce, boosting performance and strengthening our business.”