
With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Abigail C. Saguy and Juliet A. Williams  are investigating how the concept of gender neutrality has been employed in the courts, in the news media, and in political activism on topics including gender-neutral restrooms, gender-neutral pronouns, gender-neutral parental leave policies, and gender-neutral parenting movements. To date, Saguy and Williams have published papers in the academic journals Signs and in Law & Society Review (with Mallory Rees). They have also published an op-ed on gender-neutral pronouns and a second op-ed on the topic (with Robin Dembroff and Daniel Wodak) in reply to a response to that original op-ed. They will publish additional articles and ultimately a book from this project.

Abigail C. Saguy is a UCLA Professor of Sociology, with a courtesy appointment in the Department of Gender Studies. Saguy is the author of What is Sexual Harassment? From Capitol Hill to the Sorbonne (California, 2003), What’s Wrong with Fat (Oxford, 2013), Come Out, Come Out, Whoever You Are (Oxford, 2020). Saguy has published several op-eds as well as numerous articles in scientific journals such as American Sociological Review, Social Problems, Gender & Society, Signs, Law & Society Review, and Social Science and Medicine. Saguy is currently studying –with Juliet A. Williams and with support from the National Science Foundation– how lawyers, activists, and journalists invoke the principle of gender neutrality to advance (or oppose) gender equality. Saguy can be reached at saguy@soc.ucla.edu.

Juliet A. Williams is a Professor of Gender Studies and Chair of the UCLA Social Science Interdepartmental Program. Williams is author of Liberalism and the Limits of Politics (Palgrave 2005), and The Separation Solution?: Single- Sex Education and the New Politics of Gender Equality (University of California Press, 2016), and co-editor of Public Affairs: Politics in the Age of Sex Scandals (Duke UP, 2004). Williams has published numerous scholarly articles in journals including Signs, Harvard Journal of Law & Gender, and Political Research Quarterly. Currently Williams is working on a multi-year project, in collaboration with Dr. Abigail Saguy, exploring the concept of gender neutrality in U.S. law, the media and activism. Williams can be reached at jawilliams@gender.ucla.edu.

Want to contribute to the Gender Neutrality Project? Send us an email!: genderneutralityproject@gmail.com

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